Planned maintenance
Which is accomplished in accordance with our customer’s request or prescribes of National Transport Authority. The leaving of planned maintenance already jeopardizes the safe operation of vehicle in middle time period further reduce the statistic numbers of reliability and failure rates. This maintenance version contains the followings:
- maintenance, examination activities, checking and setting of factory parameters and which is prescribed by designers and manufacturers of the different equipment
- based on operational experiences such activities, checking, cleaning that ensures the reliable work of equipment,
- we repair the failures, founded during checking or maintenance, on the spot in case of possibility, if it is impossible we make the necessary steps for the aim of fixing, replacement of subjected units;
Immediate reparation
During this activity the fixing of failure is started in time frame written in the contract. Our experts start the error correction in the vehicle settlement or at engine house and perform it under the possible shortest time. We undertake the planned and on request maintenance further failure reparation of products of our company and products of former Ganz companies.